This is a big question most people dont even think about… Does your personal life affect your business? And if so how much and why?
Well for me my personal life does affect all aspects of my business, if my personal life is in shambles then most of my day will be spent going back and forth mentally on the shitty situation I have going on at home. And I’m pretty sure that will affect my day to day routine as I now have a disruptor in my brain. It’s also pretty funny how the brain works in general. If you're having a bad day and your body is still in that bad moment, your body tends to do remarkable things to help you cope without you even knowing!
Now imagine my life being a dumpster fire and I come into work to teach a class. Right when I get out of my car I shake it off and put a smile on my face and “PRETEND” that everything is ok. Fake it until you make it is the famous line. And let me tell you there have been many days where I faked the HELL out of it that I could have won an Oscar! But at the end of the day the reason I can get away with faking it so easily is…😉
One: I am a mother of three children ranging in ages of EASY to HARDEST with many years of adolescents to go… Being a mom means you need to MASTER the Fake/Brave face as it’s you against them. Whoever surrenders first looses! We MOTHERS DON’T LOOSE!
Two: I’m a woman, now I know you may think oh there she goes adding the Gender card. Yea yea calm down, dont get your panties in a bunch. Typically woman are raised to suck it up and hold it all together and smile pretty. Otherwise you’re looked at as a crazed lunatic thats beings dramatic because she simply is a woman and has feelings and they are spilling out uncontrollably.
Three: I am a Puerto Rican, and my mother is also a Puerto Rican and if you were never threatened to “stop crying over foolish things or I’ll give you a real reason to cry?” Then it shows in how you carry yourself today. Which means you’re one of them crazy Lunatics that is being dramatic like I had mentioned before. 😅
Okay so now that I made my point that being a woman is hard, let’s get back to what your brain and body does to help you cope without you knowing. This will look different for everyone, but some common signs are as follows. You tend to not be able to focus or concentrate on the task at hand like you normally would. You tend to be a bit more stressed and anxious throughout the day. More irritated by small things that normally wouldn’t be a bother. Simply put, you are grumpy.
Some people are really good at hiding it completely but their body says nah lady we struggling today together. So the body then feels run down, tired, achy and weak. Most people also see this when they are burnt out. It’s the worst type of coping in my opinion because you can’t control it and I like to control things. It means that you have been doing it all, working your ass and your body said okay we have had enough. And since you are not taking care of yourself, yourself… The body now is taking control and we will SHUT THIS PARTY DOWN. And now you're sick in bed wondering where did it all go wrong. This burn out is super dangerous because it can last weeks, months and even YEARS! Read that one again.. yes I said YEARS.
You’re asking at this point, okay Kiki, what is your point ? Well my point is simple and it’s this.
I look like I am at the top of my game in business, I look like Im killing it in real estate, I look like I am killing it on all aspects of my life. (Because, Yes I am thank you for noticing) lol but Why?
Because I am amazing at covering up that dumpster fire pretty nicely.
There are things in peoples lives that there isn’t any getting around it. And some days are perfection if perfection was a real thing and Im feeling like a million bucks. And other days I am literally questioning everything I am doing in my life as a whole. Example (why do I exist?)
In conclusion, does personal life affect your business ? And if so why and how much?
Answer: YES, a shit ton! Did you forget Real estate is PERSONAL… So anything going on in your personal life is always and forever going to affect your business.
How do we combat that?
The best we can, by taking breaks, reflecting, journaling, exercising, going on vacations, doing new things that are NOT about business or personal. Taking some much needed “ME TIME”
I know that you're asking yourself why in the world is KIKI talking about all of this?
Well honestly sometimes I’m really talking to myself through my written words. So this is really a message to myself. Take the breaks, do the things that you and your brain and body need to do. Otherwise you’re gonna end up like the burnt out dramatic lunatic people see record online 😳
Let’s see where I go on my next trip because I am in much need of some RNR Time.